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Book chapters

  1. “Markov Decision Processes and Best Responses of Epidemic Models” In: B. Sriraman (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Visual, Experimental and Computational Mathematics - Bridges through Data (2023), Springer Nature, with S. Díaz–Infante, G. Salcedo-Varela.
  2. “Estimation of Equilibria in an Advertising Game with Unknown Distribution of the Response to Advertising Efforts” In: Piunovskiy, A., Zhang, Y. (eds) Modern Trends in Controlled Stochastic Processes: Emergence, Complexity and Computation (2021), vol 41. Springer, Cham. with A.D.Robles–Aguilar y J.A. Minjárez–Sosa.

Books and monographs

  1. An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory: The Dynamic Programming Approach, Texts in Applied Mathematics, Springer Nature (2023), xii+254 pp., ISBN: 978-3-031-21138-6, con O. Hernández–Lerma, L. Laura-Guarachi y S. Mendoza-Palacios.
  2. Discrete-Time Stochastic Control and Dynamic Potential Games: The Euler Equation Approach, SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer, New York (2013), xiv+69 pp., ISBN: 978- 3-319-01058-8, con O. Hernández–Lerma.