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  1. "Synchronizing lockdown and vaccination policies for COVID-19: an optimal control approach based on piecewise constant strategies”, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods 45 (2024), pp. 523-543,, with S. Díaz–Infante, G. Salcedo-Varela, and F. Peñuñuri.
  2. “Empirical approximation of Nash equilibria in finite Markov games with discounted payoffs”, Asian Journal of Control 25 (2023), pp. 722-734,, with A.D.Robles–Aguilar and J.A. Minjárez–Sosa.
  3. “Optimizing functionals using differential evolution”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 97 (2021),, with K.B. Cantún–Ávila, S. Díaz–Infante, and F. Peñuñuri.
  4. “Markov games with unknown random state-actions-dependent discount factors: empirical estimation”, Asian Journal of Control 23, (2021), pp. 166-177,, with F. Luque–Vásquez and J.A. Minjárez–Sosa.
  5. “Dual numbers and automatic differentiation to efficiently compute velocities and accelerations”, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 170 (2020), pp. 649–659,, with F. Romero, M. A. Zambrano–Arjona, and F. Peñuñuri.
  6. “Statistical inference for the Weitzman overlapping coefficient in a family of distributions”, Applied Mathematical Modelling 71 (2019), pp. 558–568,, with J. A. Montoya and G. Figueroa.
  7. “Zero-sum Markov games with random state-actions-dependent discount factors: existence of optimal strategies”, Dynamic Games and Applications 9 (2019), pp. 103–121,, with F. Luque–Vásquez and J.A. Minjárez–Sosa.
  8. “A survey on static and dynamic potential games”, Science China Mathematics 59 (2016), pp. 2075–2102,, with O. Hernández–Lerma.
  9. “Dynamic potential games: The discrete-time stochastic case”, Dynamic Games and Applications 4 (2014), pp. 309–328,, with O. Hernández–Lerma.
  10. “On the Euler equation approach to discrete-time nonstationary optimal control problems”, Journal of Dynamics and Games 1 (2014), pp. 57–78,, with O. Hernández–Lerma.
  11. “An inverse optimal problem in discrete-time stochastic control”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 19 (2013), pp. 39–53,, with O. Hernández–Lerma.